Where to buy Oliver Twist in the US?

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What is the difference between getting your nicotine from tobacco bits or a cigarette?

When you smoke a cigarette, you absorb the nicotine through your lungs. When you use a tobacco bit, the nicotine is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The main difference between a cigarette and a tobacco bit is that smoke develops tar and carbon monoxide, which is proven harmful to health. Tobacco bits are not lit and therefore do not develop these substances.

How to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits?

This is how to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits:

Do Oliver Twist tobacco bits contain nicotine?

Yes, Oliver Twist tobacco bits contain nicotine. Oliver Twist tobacco bits are made from tobacco leaves. We do not manipulate the nicotine quantity. The quantity found in the natural tobacco leaf is the quantity you find in an Oliver Twist tobacco bit.

I tried Oliver Twist for the first time and felt a burning sensation in my throat. Is this normal?

It’s not uncommon to experience a burning or scratchy sensation in your throat when using Oliver Twist tobacco bits for the first time. This can happen because the nicotine and flavor are released as the tobacco bit interacts with the mucous membranes in your mouth. If the sensation is uncomfortable, it may be due to chewing the tobacco bit too much. The more you chew, the faster nicotine and flavor are released, which can intensify the sensation. To avoid this, place the tobacco bit under your upper lip and let it rest without chewing.

If you have more concerns or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Learn more about how to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits


WARNING: This product can cause mouth cancer.

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