
How much nicotine does an Oliver Twist tobacco bit contain?

Oliver Twist tobacco bits contain approximately 5 mg of nicotine. The amount of nicotine released depends on how much you chew the tobacco bit and how long you keep it in your mouth. During one hour of use, approximately 2 mg of nicotine on an average are released from an Oliver Twist Tropical bit. Therefore, not all nicotine contained in a tobacco bit is absorbed. Some nicotine will still remain in the tobacco bit after use. See the exact nicotine content per variant here.

object(WP_Post)#16369 (24) {
  string(1) "5"
  string(19) "2017-12-15 15:05:35"
  string(19) "2017-12-15 14:05:35"
  string(321) "This is how to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits:
  • Place an Oliver Twist tobacco bit between your jaw and cheek. The natural nicotine content will be released slowly.
  • Keep the tobacco bit in your mouth for 30-60 minutes.
  • Do not swallow the tobacco bit; throw it away after use.
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How to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits?

This is how to use Oliver Twist tobacco bits: Place an Oliver Twist tobacco bit …


WARNING: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.

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